ESL announced the Week of Remote Presentations of subtitle programs
The week of online presentations starts on May 27. The main purpose is to tell the maximum about subtitling programs. Presentation participants will have the opportunity to talk to developers of the best software and even get gifts from them.
How do subtitle programs work? What are the advantages of paid software over a free one? Which program is suitable for beginners, and which can cover any needs of a professional subtitler? The best experts will tell everything.
May 27 14:00 (Moscow time) – SubtitleNEXT
- May 29 11:00 (Moscow time) – OOONA
May 30 18:00 (Moscow time) – Subtitle Workshop (in Russian)
May 31 15:00 (Moscow time) – SubtitleEdit (in Russian)
June 1 12:00 (Moscow time) – STAR (in Russian)
June 2 12:00 (Moscow time) – EZTitles
Duration of one webinar: about 60 min.
Cost of 6 webinars: 500 RUB.
ESL members can participate for free.
Registration for webinars goes through the ESL donation system. Just select the amount of “donations” to match the number of webinars. After paying, take a screenshot of the payment receipt and send it to the League administrator ( with the Subject “Registration for the week of subtitle programs”.
If you are a member of the League, just contact the administrator ( and tell which webinars you want to participate in.
Links for joining the webinars will be sent to registered participants a day before each presentation. You need a PC to attend webinars (not a phone).

Date: 27.05.2020
Hour: 14:00 (Moscow)
Remote Presentation «Advanced Subtitles and Captions Production with SubtitleNEXT»
Lecturer: Kamen Ferdinandov (CTO)
- SubtitleNEXT introduction – how to start, main fields/sections of the program.
- Starting a new project – how to load video (supported formats (SD, HD, UHD…), aspect ratios (4:3,16:9…)), framerate conversion
- Text Editing & Formatting possibility; Screen positioning
- Audio Waveform and Scene Change detection
- Timing and Spotting
- Import/Export Standards (file formats; Burn in video)
- UI customization
- QA and error fixing

Date: 29.05.2020
Hour: 11:00 (Moscow)
Remote Presentation «OOONA as a unique online subtitling platform»
Lecturer: Alex Yoffe
- OOONA – introduction of a unique online subtitling platform
- All the possibilities of OOONA
- Q&A

Дата: 30.05.2020
Время: 18:00 (МСК)
Онлайн-презентация «Создание и редактирование субтитров в программе Subtitle Workshop»
Ведущий: Иван Борщевский
- Краткая информация и описание программы Subtitle Workshop
- Установка программы на компьютер.
- Создание нового проекта: пошаговая инструкция.
- Редактирование готовых субтитров.
- Вопросы и ответы

Дата: 31.05.2020
Время: 15:00 (МСК)
Онлайн-презентация «Работа в Subtitle Edit»
Ведущая: Алиса Томина
- Введение, общая информация о программе (разработка и поддержка, рабочие форматы субтитров и т.д.).
- Интерфейс, начало работы.
- Смены кадра, распознавание тайм-кодов, групповые операции с субтитрами.
- Горячие клавиши.
- Профили, работа с файлом по сети, проверка качества Netflix и другие приятные функции.
- Вопросы и ответы.

Дата: 01.06.2020
Время: 12:00 (МСК)
Онлайн-презентация «Transit NXT. Модуль для перевода субтитров»
Ведущая: Полина Акопян
- Знакомство с Transit NXT
- Специфические форматы, тайминг, одновременный доступ к видео, тексту оригинала и перевода, учет длины строки и другое – презентация возможностей программы
- Вопросы и ответы.

Date: 02.06.2020
Hour: 12:00 (Moscow)
Remote Presentation «The brand new EZTitles 6»
Lecturer: Mr. Metodi Chachov, Chief Technical Engineer
- Short Intro on EZTitles Development Studio
- Professional features and capabilities of EZTitles
- Subtitling Assistant with live demo
- Advanced tools in EZTitles (Labeled Revisions and Macros)
- Backup & Recovery
- Software customization and Settings migration
- Discounts and free trials for the members of the league.
- Q&A Section