ESL announces a competition of research papers on audiovisual translation: top authors will receive targeted grants
Eurasian Subtitlers’ League provides targeted grants for a training course at RuFilms School of Audiovisual Translation, as a means of supporting Russian AVT researchers.
Eurasian Subtitlers’ League (ESL), the professional association of subtitles translators and editors, together with RuFilms School of Audiovisual Translation, call for entries in the all-Russia competition of research papers on audiovisual translation (AVT). The competition is supported by the Association of Translation Teachers.
Purpose: support for Russian researchers of audiovisual translation and development of translation science.
The grant pool amounts to 450 thousand rubles. Top 7 research works on audiovisual translation and digital accessibility will be selected. Grants (certificates) will be awarded to the winners. Each certificate covers the tuition fee for a 2-month course at the School of Audiovisual Translation. It is the most comprehensive and effective of all audiovisual translation courses taught in Russia.
Jury: Russia’s leading AVT practitioners and researchers.
Research paper submission deadlines: from May 15 to July 15, 2020.
Application can be submitted by anyone interested. Members of ESL are also invited to participate; the library of the League has been updated prior to the competition launch (learn more about joining ESL).
Results will be announced on August 15, 2020.
Selection and evaluation criteria:
- Entries should represent completed research works and projects in the area of audiovisual translation. Research paper must be written in Russian, it should be explorative in nature, contain independent conclusions, and be of scientific and practical significance.
- Research papers will be checked for plagiarism.
- Final evaluation of the research papers will be done by the panel of Eurasian Subtitlers’ League (the jury). Evaluation of each work will be done by at least two experts.
- Evaluation of the research papers will be done on a seven-point scale based on the following criteria:
- General idea and practical significance of the project
- Relevance of the problem under research
- Use of special literature (including foreign sources)
- Presence of independent research results
- Compliance with ESL’s priority research areas
- Novelty of author’s approach
- Clarity and comprehensiveness
Winner awarding
Authors of the winning research papers will receive the following awards:
- Personal diploma on behalf of Eurasian Subtitlers’ League
- Certificate for free tuition at RuFilms School of Audiovisual Translation
Research paper preparation requirements:
- Research paper should consist of three parts: introduction (main provisions of the subject, justification for subject selection and its relevance, a brief overview of existing studies on the subject), main part (problem research, possible solutions, etc.) and conclusion (author’s findings).
- Paper should be no less than 15 thousand characters (including spaces). Font – Times New Roman, size 14, single spacing, alignment – justified.
- Figures, pictures and tables should be inserted into the text and properly named.
- The list of references must be prepared in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 2008 “Bibliographic reference”.
Applications and research papers should be submitted by e-mail: with the subject “Research competition”. The letter should also include:
- Full name of an author
- E-mail, phone number
- University/company
- Title of the paper
- Annotation